Advantages Disadvantages of Electric Blankets | Pros Cons

What is Electric Blankets

Nowadays electric blankets are much safer than in the previous one, the reason behind their popularity is that they offer safety standards with an automated shut-off, which explains why.

Electric blankets come in two assortments: one that goes right onto the mattress and the other that resembles a regular blanket.

Experts believe that using two different kinds of blankets at once poses a serious fire risk and should be avoided.

Furthermore, there’s a danger that the blankets will burn you or become excessively hot. Use the blanket before bed and turn it off before you go to bed to prevent this.

How does it operate?

The plug on an electric blanket needs to be plugged into the network.

The temperature is also controlled by a thermostat.

Through the cables that are evenly spaced throughout the surface, they convert electricity into heat.

These cables are more flexible and thinner because they are composed of fiberglass. Fiberglass produces infrared heat, which is far safer and more effective.

How does it work?

The plug on an electric blanket needs to be plugged into the network.

The temperature is also controlled by a thermostat.

Through the cables that are evenly spaced throughout the surface, they convert electricity into heat.

These cables are more flexible and thinner because they are composed of fiberglass. Fiberglass produces infrared heat, which is far safer and more effective.

Pros and Cons of Electric Blankets

Pros of a Heated Blanket

1. Save on Your Bills

save on your bills

The main benefit of having a heated electric blanket is that they are energy efficient. They will provide you with warmth without having to turn your heating on. They are capable of providing you with enough heat to keep you warm during the night.

2. Boost Your Mood

Boost your mood

Its warmth naturally comforts to your body as well as your mind. It maintains energy levels according to constant body temperature, heated blankets can help you fall asleep on a chilly night feeling less stressed or anxious, and your mood can be lifted during the use of this blanket.

3. Reduces Pain

reduces pain

The warmth generated by a heated blanket can aid in minimizing cramps and muscle tension, as well as typical treatment for aches and pains.

This heat therapy is excellent for treating back pain, stomach problems, neck strain, and arthritis of any kind.

4. Provide Better Sleep

provide better sleep

Additionally, heated blankets might enhance the quality of your sleep. With a heated blanket, you may sleep with peace of mind knowing that the temperature will remain constant.

Cons of a Heated Blanket

Fire Risk

Just like any electrical appliance, heated blankets can be a fire hazard. Leaving them on for an extended time can increase the chances of a fire risk. It a good news and we are thankful for this latest technology, The latest trending blankets have an automatic shut-off mechanism to prevent them from overheating.

Not Always Accepting Pets

While most pets like curling up on a heated blanket, you should know that if your pets choose to gnaw, scratch, or claw at the blanket, there is a chance they could get hurt. Pets can burn from an electric blanket in two distinct ways: either by touching one of the wires directly or by coming into contact with someone who is plugging into the blanket, which can cause an electric shock.

Are they safe for those with circulation issues?

People may not notice when an electric blanket is growing too hot, which increases the risk of burns.

It might not be safe to use electric blankets on someone who has circulation problems.

Are they safe to use during pregnancy?

Electric blankets may not be safe to use during pregnancy because they generate non-ionizing radiation which increases the chance of pregnancy loss. 

Electric blankets work as the sources of environmental electromagnetic fields which may increase the risk of pregnancy complications and it’s dangerous also in conceiving pregnancy.

Maybe in some cases, it’s also responsible for numerous miscarriages. So consult with a doctor before using an electric blanket during pregnancy.

Safety Tips

To minimize the risk of unsafe outcomes, a person should follow these safety guidelines:

Avoiding using second-hand electric blankets and replacing old blankets immediately.

Buying electric blankets only through well-trusted agencies approved and recognized nationally agency.

Checking that the blanket has no tears, burns, or other damage

Ensures that the embedded heating wires, electrical cord, and temperature control system are in good repair and fit correctly.

How to use it safely

To use an electric blanket safely, a person should take the below precautions:

Carefully read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions

Check any damage before use

When you don’t use it and during going to sleep turn off the blanket 

In addition, people should avoid:

Using a hot water bottle with an electric blanket

Touching the blanket with wet hands, feet, or hair

Switching on a wet electric blanket

Bending the electric blanket around the mattress

Using an electric blanket with a sofa bed may be dangerous

If you are suffering from diabetes or other circulation issues, pregnant people must avoid using them.

Why do electric blankets feel so good?

The body’s temperature typically dips when people go to sleep. Having a warm electric blanket can regulate body temperature for a smoother night of sleep.

Do electric blankets use a lot of electricity?

Electric blankets usually have between 100 and 150 watts of power.

If you use an electric blanket with 150 watts of power for a total of 6 hours every night for 4 months a year, the consumption will be 108 kWh per year.


Lastly, we thank the Electric blankets which are so popular nowadays due to their safety standards and automated shut-off mechanism. They come in two types: one directly onto the mattress and another resembling a regular blanket. Heated electric blankets provide warmth, reduce pain, and improve sleep quality, but can be dangerous during pregnancy due to non-ionizing radiation, and using two types at once can pose fire risks and burns. To use safely, follow manufacturer instructions, avoid hot water bottles, and avoid touching the blanket with wet hands or hair.